Dahlia FAQ

Dahlia Tuber Orders & Shipping

When does the dahlia tuber store open?

Friday, March 1, 2024 at 9am EST.

Do you ship internationally?

No. Due to certificate requirements, shipping is available only within the United States.

When can I expect my tubers to ship?

Tubers will begin to ship in late March and continue throughout April and May. Shipping is based on shipping address at checkout and your last frost date. Find your average last frost date.

How will my tubers ship and what are the shipping costs?

Orders will be shipped USPS priority. You can expect tubers to be packed in compostable bags and peat moss.

Do you offer local pickup?

If you would like to avoid shipping fees and live locally, I can offer garage pickup in early April. Simply choose ‘local pickup’ at checkout. I will reach out via email to offer pickup days.

I decided to order more tubers. Can you edit my order?

Unfortunately, no. You must place a new order. Multiple orders and shipping cannot be combined.

Are these tubers grown by you?

Yes! I do not sell dutch clumps or undivided clumps. All tubers are dug, inspected and divided by me in the fall, stored in a regulated cooler over the winter, and sold as individual tubers in early spring.

What do I do once I receive my tubers?

Tubers will be packed in peat moss and need to be inspected as soon as they arrive. Check for any possible shipping damage and reach out to me via email within one week. After one week from delivery has passed I am not responsible for improper storage or planting.

Tubers should be kept in the peat moss in a cool (NOT freezing), dark location until ready to plant. Do not let tubers freeze, dry out, or get soaking wet. Storage could be in an unheated basement, attic, or even a closet. If you are not planting the tubers right away, be sure to check on the tubers for any sign of drying out or mold.

Planting & Growing Dahlias

When do I plant my tubers?

Tubers should be planted once freezing temperatures have passed. Check your frost dates by zip code for proper planting time.

How do I plant dahlia tubers?

Plant tubers in a well-drained area that receives full sun. Dig a hole 4-6in deep and add a small amount of compost mixed in with the soil. Lay the tuber on its side, with the growing eye facing up.

What do I do if my tuber doesn’t sprout?

All tubers are shipped with a visible growing eye. I am not responsible for planting mistakes (ex: planting too deep, overwatering, compacted soil, etc.) that result in loss of dahlia tuber.

How do I care for my dahlia plant?

Pinch dahlias when they are less than 12’’ tall (simply pinch or snip off the center stem above 2 sets of leaves).

Dahlias love to be fertilized (I personally use a weekly organic foliar spray) up until they begin to bloom. Many dahlias need to be staked if they get tall or if it’s windy. I add netting to all of my dahlias to prevent them from being uprooted by the wind.

Should I deadhead my blooms?

Yes! The more you cut your flowers, the more you will get! Don’t be afraid to cut your dahlia stems (I cut about 12’’ stems) and enjoy the blooms inside! As long as you deadhead, dahlias will continue sending up more blooms until the first frost. They are the best!

Will dahlias grow where I live?

While dahlias thrive in mild, temperate climates, they can be grown in most places. Here in the south they grow slowly throughout the hotter months, but take off in the fall when night-time temperatures cool off. In growing zones 8-11 digging up dahlia tubers (for winter storage) is optional. In colder climates it is recommended to dig tubers to avoid the frozen ground, which dahlia tubers do not like. Figuring out what works best for your dahlias growing where you live is part of the fun!